That's right! My website is up and running! There's still a little tweaking to be done but I couldn't wait to share it with you guys!
Please, please, PLEASE check it out and feel free to let me know if you notice any typos, think something looks funny, or have a suggestion about what photos should be deleted or rearranged. It's always nice to have another set of eyes!
And most importantly, BOOKMARK ME! :)
your photos are just beautiful... they were super slow to load though. i want to see more and FAST!
the site looks very very professional. i'm so very proud of you!
Paige, I love your website so so SO much, although, I do agree that it is pretty slow. I think that there should be an option to scroll through the pictures quicker, or even separately, rather then having to wait for each one to load in order.
Also, knit-picky, I know, but in the pricing section under the Children/Family part, you are missing the "h" next to $150/hr.
I love you paigeeee
LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK!!! So proud and happy for you! Do believe it's a little slow even for me. Word "faq's" should not have apostrophe in it. Cannot wait for attention-grabbing intro with your new logo to be designed!! You're so wonderful and I'm thankful that I know you!
p.s. keep busy!
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