Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ben Sasso= My Hero

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to give a big thanks to my dear friend Ben Sasso. I met him this past January when he and I were on the SoCal team for a non-profit called Invisible Children ( We spent three wonderful months as roadies telling people about kids in Uganda, meeting amazing people, going on photo adventures (obviously), sneaking into insane asylums, and cussing each other out (okay, just once). Aaaaaaaand I love him, basically.


Ben finally helped me figure out how to make my photos larger on my blog! Woohoo! As you can see, the old posts still have smaller photos, but from now on, I'll be posting larger photos for your viewing pleasure.

But (lucky me) Ben didn't stop there. He's been my #1 go-to guy for all photography-related advice and is currently designing my watermark. I pretty much text him every other day with a question about a lens or website rates or whatever.

So thank you Ben for your patience, advice, talent, and sick sense of humor. You're the best.

Oh yeah, before I forget... Ben's a freaking awesome photographer as well. Check him out:

Happy Thanksgiving!

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